Plymouth replaces Usplash as the default boot splash program in lucid lynx. Some users have found that either they do not see the splash at all on startup or only for a split second before the login screen appears.
At present there are only a few Plymouth themes available in the repositories. Open synaptic and type Plymouth into the quick search field to see a list of the available themes.
To change the default splash screen:
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouthTo fix the delayed loading of the splash:
sudo update-initramfs -u
sudo -sTo install new themes manually; First copy the downloaded theme to /lib/plymouth/themes/mytheme; Then execute (replace mytheme with the name of the theme you are installing):
echo FRAMEBUFFER=y >>/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash
update-initramfs -u
sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/mytheme/mytheme.plymouth 100To create a very basic theme (wallpaper only) try the following:
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
sudo update-initramfs -u
1. sudo mkdir /lib/plymouth/themes/simple
2. Find a wallpaper you like and copy it to /lib/plymouth/themes/simple/wallpaper.png (must be a png!)
2. sudo gedit /lib/plymouth/themes/simple/simple.plymouth and paste the following:
[Plymouth Theme]3. sudo gedit /lib/plymouth/themes/simple/simple.script and paste the following:
Description=Wallpaper only
wallpaper_image = Image(“wallpaper.png”);4. sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/simple/simple.plymouth 100
screen_width = Window.GetWidth();
screen_height = Window.GetHeight();
resized_wallpaper_image = wallpaper_image.Scale(screen_width,screen_height);
wallpaper_sprite = Sprite(resized_wallpaper_image);
5. sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth (select simple from the list)
6. sudo update-initramfs -u
Reboot and you should see a boot splash of the image you copied.
For more details on creating plymouth themes check out:
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