We have experienced high load on one of our web servers lately (Apache 2.0.59 on Linux). So, I started thinking about how to analyze this in a bit more detail. We are running multiple virtual hosts (around 60) so when using tcpdump it is not easy to see which URLs are requested, therefore I looked around for some HTTP-oriented sniffer. My search ended with “urlsnarf” from the “dsniff” package.
Last change in dsniff was in 2000 and it has libnet and libnids dependencies. It took me a couple of tries (and a minor patch) to get it to compile but when done I was happy with the result. urlsnarf simply sniffs HTTP traffic on one or more parts and generates output in the common log format making it easy to see which URLs are reqeusted.
I could then see what URL were the most frequently requested and continue on to the awstats logs which we have for each virtual host. Then it was quite easy to find a couple of pages with very large images that were very frequently requested and from there we could take relevant actions to reduce the HTTP load.
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