Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Rahasia : Easily View Saved Passwords in Google Chrome

Google Chrome web browser is great: it opens quick, responds rapidly, and consistently trounces the competition in speed tests. Of course, it gets all that speed because it uses an inordinate amount of memory. Google Chrome is not in the default ubuntu repositories, but it is available from google, and will add its own repository on installation.
There is a major flaw in chrome. You know how sometimes when you log in to a website, and the browser asks, "would you like to save your password?" and you say, "ya know what, I do want you to save my password, because typing 123qwe is just too much for me." Well, you can view any of those saved password in plain text in google chrome by taking the following 3 steps.

  1. Click on the little wrench in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Click preferences
  3. Click "personal Stuff" tab
  4. Click "show saved passwords"
The fact that "show saved passwords" is even an option is dumbfounding. Why not have it asterisk out the passwords, or require a password to view passwords (or a password to view the password to view the passwords! whoa.) I recognize the other side of this argument: the only way you could access these passwords is by already having access to your computer. Yes, I know that, and security starts at home, but still, why make it so easy?

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