Senin, 29 November 2010

Rahasia : Install Web Server Pertama Kali di Ubuntu 10.04

Pertama  buat buat blog dengan engine wordpress, awalnya ada sedikit kesulitan di seputar file permission, coba ngoprek2 dibagian itu, akhirnya ketemu juga masalahnya. Bagimana instalasi dan konfigurasi LAMP server di Ubuntu 10.04 (code name :LTS) berikut Aa share :
Iinstal LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) di Ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) versi Desktop
Instalasi LAMP:
LAMP Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope
Aa gunain Synaptic Package Manager dan command apt-get (lebih sering menggunakan apt-get karena lebih cepat). Repository paket langsung dari internet yang dihubungkan melalui Proxy Server di tempat kerja saya.
  1. Dari desktop Gnome, pilih System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager.
  2. Setelah berada pada window Synaptic Package Manager, pilih Edit -> Mark Packages by Task.
  3. Kemudian pilih LAMP server dan jalankan instalasinya.
  4. Untuk instal phpMyAdmin, silahkan Search dan ketikkan phpmyadmin.
Jika teman2 ingin menggunakan command apt-get atau aptitude ini tutorialnya:
  1. Instal Apache: sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2-suexec libexpat1 ssl-cert
  2. Instal PHP: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-ruby libapache2-mod-python php5 php5-common php5-curl php5-dev php5-gd php5-idn php-pear php5-imagick php5-imap php5-mcrypt php5-memcache php5-mhash php5-ming php5-mysql php5-pspell php5-recode php5-snmp php5-sqlite php5-tidy php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl
  3. Instal MySQL: sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev
  4. Instal phpMyAdmin: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
Konfigurasi Web Server Apache:
Edit file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default, rubah pada bagian:

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all
  • Aktifkan module rewrite (untuk mengaktifkan URL ramah Drupal), gunakan command: $ sudo a2enmod rewrite, sehingga akan muncul:Module rewrite installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
  • Jalankan/restart web server apache untuk mengaktifkan perubahan yang sudah dilakukan dengan command: $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart, jika berhasil maka akan muncul:
Restarting web server apache2
…waiting                                                          [ok]
  • Rubah root direktory web server dengan command:$ sudo chown -R [nama-user] /var/www
Maksudnya agar [nama-user] memiliki akses full terhadap root direktori web server, sehingga memudahkan pengelolaan web saat kita login menggunakan user [nama-user] nantinya.
Konfigurasi MySQL:
phpMyAdmin Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope
Untuk mengelola database MySQL saya menggunakan phpMyAdmin. Saya hanya perlu menambahkan user baru selain root untuk akses database nantinya.
1.Dari browser arahkan URL ke: http://localhost/phpmyadmin. Kemudian masukkan username root dan password.
2.Setelah login dihalaman phpMyAdmin, pilih tab Hak Akses. Kemudian tambahkan pengguna baru, beri hak atas akses database untuk host localhost.

Rahasia : Plymouth themes: Fix, install, create in Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)

Quick tips for those having trouble with their splash screens in lucid.
Plymouth replaces Usplash as the default boot splash program in lucid lynx. Some users have found that either they do not see the splash at all on startup or only for a split second before the login screen appears.
At present there are only a few Plymouth themes available in the repositories. Open synaptic and type Plymouth into the quick search field to see a list of the available themes.

To change the default splash screen:
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
sudo update-initramfs -u
To fix the delayed loading of the splash:
sudo -s
echo FRAMEBUFFER=y >>/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash
update-initramfs -u
To install new themes manually; First copy the downloaded theme to /lib/plymouth/themes/mytheme; Then execute (replace mytheme with the name of the theme you are installing):
sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/mytheme/mytheme.plymouth 100
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
sudo update-initramfs -u
To create a very basic theme (wallpaper only) try the following:
1. sudo mkdir /lib/plymouth/themes/simple
2. Find a wallpaper you like and copy it to /lib/plymouth/themes/simple/wallpaper.png (must be a png!)
2. sudo gedit /lib/plymouth/themes/simple/simple.plymouth and paste the following:
[Plymouth Theme]
Description=Wallpaper only
3. sudo gedit /lib/plymouth/themes/simple/simple.script and paste the following:
wallpaper_image = Image(“wallpaper.png”);
screen_width = Window.GetWidth();
screen_height = Window.GetHeight();
resized_wallpaper_image = wallpaper_image.Scale(screen_width,screen_height);
wallpaper_sprite = Sprite(resized_wallpaper_image);
4. sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/simple/simple.plymouth 100

5. sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth (select simple from the list)

6. sudo update-initramfs -u
Reboot and you should see a boot splash of the image you copied.
For more details on creating plymouth themes check out:

Rahasia : Sysprep for Windows 7

Now I would like to share the steps and the information on how to Sysprep your Windows 7. Surprisingly, I noticed the process of new Sysprep has been simplified. You can just simply execute the Sysprep located at C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep folder to prepare your machine, and apparently there are not much choices for you to choose compare to the previous Sysprep. From the Sysprep windows, you can only see option for system Cleanup Action & Shutdown Option.
There are two options available for System Cleanup Action, one is ‘Enter System Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE)’ which will reset the system and prepare the system to Mini Setup mode during the next reboot. Another option will be ‘Enter System Audit Mode’. If you select this mode, during the next reboot, the system will still proceed with the system preparation process, but when the process has been completed, the system will boot into the operating system with built-in Administrator account. With the built-in Administrator credential, you will be able to install drivers, connect to network and install additional software based on your needs. In addition, you will not see any UAC warning prompts when you make system changes in this mode. This is very useful for operating system image builder, you can always keep the base image by remaining the system preparation in Audit Mode, if there is additional changes need to be make on the base image, you can easily make the changes.

Another fantastic feature for the new Sysprep will be ‘Generalize’ option. This option will allow you to deploy the image into other computer with different hardware settings. Personally I like this feature as most of the organization will always have different kind of hardware, imagine we can just only keep one master base image which compatible for both laptops and desktop computer, that will be fantastic.

Although the process of executing Sysprep became easier, but the process of generating the automated answer has become more complicated compared to the previous one. With the new answer file format, you will be able to customize a lot of things. We will provide you the details on how to create the new Sysprep answer file next time. Noticed the system preparation stage is very nice and I purposely did a screenshot and converted it become wallpaper. For those who like it, just download it away.
[ Download Sysprep Wallpaper 1024x768 ]
[ Download Sysprep Wallpaper 1440x900 ]

Rahasia : How to hack a website

I want to show you just one way that hackers can get in to your website and mess it up, using a technique called SQL Injection. And then I'll show you how to fix it. This article touches on some technical topics, but I'll try to keep things as simple as possible. There are a few very short code examples written in PHP and SQL. These are for the techies, but you don't have to fully understand the examples to be able to follow what is going on. Please also note that the examples used are extremely simple, and Real Hackers™ will use many variations on the examples listed.

If your website doesn't use a database, you can relax a bit; this article doesn't apply to your site — although you might find it interesting anyway. If your site does use a database, and has an administrator login who has rights to update the site, or indeed any forms which can be used to submit content to the site — even a comment form — read on.


This article will show you how you can hack in to vulnerable websites, and to check your own website for one specific vulnerability. It's OK to play around with this on your own site (but be careful!) but do not be tempted to try it out on a site you do not own. If the site is properly managed, an attempt to log in using this or similar methods will be detected and you might find yourself facing charges under the Computer Misuse Act. Penalties under this act are severe, including heavy fines or even imprisonment.

What is SQL Injection?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it is the language used by most website databases. SQL Injection is a technique used by hackers to add their own SQL to your site's SQL to gain access to confidential information or to change or delete the data that keeps your website running. I'm going to talk about just one form of SQL Injection attack that allows a hacker to log in as an administrator - even if he doesn't know the password.

Is your site vulnerable?

If your website has a login form for an administrator to log in, go to your site now, in the username field type the administrator user name.

In the password field, type or paste this:

x' or 'a' = 'a

If the website didn't let you log in using this string you can relax a bit; this article probably doesn't apply to you. However you might like to try this alternative:

x' or 1=1--

Or you could try pasting either or both of the above strings into both the login and password field. Or if you are familiar with SQL you could try a few other variations. A hacker who really wants to get access to your site will try many variations before he gives up.

If you were able to log in using any of these methods then get your web tech to read this article, and to read up all the other methods of SQL Injection. The hackers and "skript kiddies" know all this stuff; your web techs need to know it too.

The technical stuff

If you were able to log in, then the code which generates the SQL for the login looks something like this:

$sql =
"SELECT * FROM users
"WHERE username = '" . $username .
"' AND password = '" . $password . "'";

When you log in normally, let's say using userid admin and password secret, what happens is the admin is put in place of
and secret is put in place of
. The SQL that is generated then looks like this:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'admin' and PASSWORD = 'secret'

But when you enter
x' or 'a' = 'a
as the password, the SQL which is generated looks like this:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'admin' and PASSWORD = 'x' or 'a' = 'a'

Notice that the string:
x' or 'a' = 'a
has injected an extra phrase into the WHERE clause:
or 'a' = 'a'
. This means that the WHERE is always true, and so this query will return a row contain the user's details.

If there is only a single user defined in the database, then that user's details will always be returned and the system will allow you to log in. If you have multiple users, then one of those users will be returned at random. If you are lucky, it will be a user without administration rights (although it might be a user who has paid to access the site). Do you feel lucky?

How to defend against this type of attack

Fixing this security hole isn't difficult. There are several ways to do it. If you are using MySQL, for example, the simplest method is to escape the username and password, using the mysql_escape_string() or mysql_real_escape_string() functions, e.g.:

$userid = mysql_real_escape_string($userid);
$password = mysql_real_escape_string($password);
$sql =
"SELECT * FROM users
"WHERE username = '" . $username .
"' AND password = '" . $password . "'";

Now when the SQL is built, it will come out as:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'admin' and PASSWORD = 'x\' or \'a\' = \'a'

Those backslashes ( \ ) make the database treat the quote as a normal character rather than as a delimiter, so the database no longer interprets the SQL as having an OR in the WHERE clause.

This is just a simplistic example. In practice you will do a bit more than this as there are many variations on this attack. For example, you might structure the SQL differently, fetch the user using the user name only and then check manually that the password matches or make sure you always use bind variables (the best defence against SQL injection and strongly recommended!). And you should always escape all incoming data using the appropriate functions from whatever language your website is written in - not just data that is being used for login.

There's more

This has just been a brief overview. There are many more hacking techniques than SQL Injection; there are many more things that can be done just using SQL Injection. It is possible to directly change data, get access to confidential information, even delete your whole database — irrespective of whether the hacker can actually log in — if your website isn't set up correctly.

If you are hungry for more, this detailed article from SecuriTeam explains other techiques hackers might use, as well as some of the methods hackers use to work out the structure of your database, the userid of the admin user, gain access to your system's configuration, etc.

Have a nice weekend!

Minggu, 28 November 2010

Rahasia : CUDA-Multiforcer – GPU Powered High Performance Multihash Brute Forcer

The Cryptohaze Multiforcer is a high performance multihash brute forcer with support for per-position character sets, and very good performance scaling when dealing with large hash lists. As an example, on a list of 10 hashes, the Cryptohaze Multiforcer achieves 390M steps per second on a GTX260/216SP@1.24ghz card. On a list of 1.4 million hashes with the same card, performance drops to 380M steps per second. This is the password stepping rate – not the search rate. The search rate is 380M * 1.4M passwords per second!
The Cryptohaze Multiforcer supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. An nVidia GPU with CUDA support (8000 series, 9000 series, GTX200 series, GTX400 series) is required for this to function. Additionally, a reasonably modern driver with CUDA support will be required. However, to see good rates, a fairly powerful GPU is required. GTX200 series cards are the lowest recommended cards.
The Multiforcer takes two files as inputs: the hash file, and the character set file. The hash file is very simple: One hash per line as follows:
Hash input file
The character set file is slightly more complex. For a single character set (the same character set applied to all positions), the character set file is very simple: Just the character set in a file, followed by a newline:
Single charset file (-c parameter)
You can download CUDA-Multiforcer here:
MacOS (Intel Only) – CUDA-Multiforcer-Mac-0.72.tar.bz2
Windows (64-Bit Only) –
Linux – (32 & 64-Bit) – CUDA-Multiforcer-Linux-0.72.tar.bz2

Rahasia : 10 Best Security Live CD Distros (Pen-Test, Forensics & Recovery)

1. BackTrack
The newest contender on the block of course is BackTrack, which we have spoken about previously. An innovative merge between WHax and Auditor (WHax formely WHoppix).
BackTrack is the result of the merging of two Innovative Penetration Testing live Linux distributions Whax and Auditor, combining the best features from both distributions, and paying special attention to small details, this is probably the best version of either distributions to ever come out.
Based on SLAX (Slackware), BackTrack provides user modularity. This means the distribution can be easily customised by the user to include personal scripts, additional tools, customised kernels, etc.
Get BackTrack Here.
2. Operator
Operator is a very fully featured LiveCD totally oriented around network security (with open source tools of course).
Operator is a complete Linux (Debian) distribution that runs from a single bootable CD and runs entirely in RAM. The Operator contains an extensive set of Open Source network security tools that can be used for monitoring and discovering networks. This virtually can turn any PC into a network security pen-testing device without having to install any software. Operator also contains a set of computer forensic and data recovery tools that can be used to assist you in data retrieval on the local system.
Get Operator Here
PHLAK or [P]rofessional [H]acker’s [L]inux [A]ssault [K]it is a modular live security Linux distribution (a.k.a LiveCD). PHLAK comes with two light gui’s (fluxbox and XFCE4), many security tools, and a spiral notebook full of security documentation. PHLAK is a derivative of Morphix, created by Alex de Landgraaf.
Mainly based around Penetration Testing, PHLAK is a must have for any pro hacker/pen-tester.
Get PHLAK Here (You can find a PHLAK Mirror Here as the page often seems be down).
4. Auditor
Auditor although now underway merging with WHax is still an excellent choice.
The Auditor security collection is a Live-System based on KNOPPIX. With no installation whatsoever, the analysis platform is started directly from the CD-Rom and is fully accessible within minutes. Independent of the hardware in use, the Auditor security collection offers a standardised working environment, so that the build-up of know-how and remote support is made easier.
Get Auditor Here
5. L.A.S Linux
L.A.S Linux or Local Area Security has been around quite some time aswell, although development has been a bit slow lately it’s still a useful CD to have. It has always aimed to fit on a MiniCD (180MB).
Local Area Security Linux is a ‘Live CD’ distribution with a strong emphasis on security tools and small footprint. We currently have 2 different versions of L.A.S. to fit two specific needs – MAIN and SECSERV. This project is released under the terms of GPL.
Get L.A.S Linux Here
6. Knoppix-STD
Horrible name I know! But it’s not a sexually trasmitted disease, trust me.
STD is a Linux-based Security Tool. Actually, it is a collection of hundreds if not thousands of open source security tools. It’s a Live Linux Distro, which means it runs from a bootable CD in memory without changing the native operating system of the host computer. Its sole purpose in life is to put as many security tools at your disposal with as slick an interface as it can.
Get Knoppix-STD Here
7. Helix
Helix is more on the forensics and incident response side than the networking or pen-testing side. Still a very useful tool to carry.
Helix is a customized distribution of the Knoppix Live Linux CD. Helix is more than just a bootable live CD. You can still boot into a customized Linux environment that includes customized linux kernels, excellent hardware detection and many applications dedicated to Incident Response and Forensics.
Get Helix Here
8. F.I.R.E
A little out of date, but still considered the strongest bootable forensics solution (of the open-source kind). Also has a few pen-testing tools on it.
FIRE is a portable bootable cdrom based distribution with the goal of providing an immediate environment to perform forensic analysis, incident response, data recovery, virus scanning and vulnerability assessment.
Get F.I.R.E Here
9. nUbuntu
nUbuntu or Network Ubuntu is fairly much a newcomer in the LiveCD arena as Ubuntu, on which it is based, is pretty new itself.
The main goal of nUbuntu is to create a distribution which is derived from the Ubuntu distribution, and add packages related to security testing, and remove unneeded packages, such as Gnome,, and Evolution. nUbuntu is the result of an idea two people had to create a new distribution for the learning experience.
Get nUbuntu Here
10. INSERT Rescue Security Toolkit
A strong all around contender with no particular focus on any area (has network analysis, disaster recovery, antivirus, forensics and so-on).
INSERT is a complete, bootable linux system. It comes with a graphical user interface running the fluxbox window manager while still being sufficiently small to fit on a credit card-sized CD-ROM.
The current version is based on Linux kernel and Knoppix 4.0.2
Extra – Knoppix
Remember this is the innovator and pretty much the basis of all these other distros, so check it out and keep a copy on you at all times!
Not strictly a security distro, but definately the most streamlined and smooth LiveCD distribution. The new version (soon to be released – Knoppix 5) has seamless NTFS writing enabled with libntfs+fuse.
KNOPPIX is a bootable CD or DVD with a collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals. KNOPPIX can be used as a productive Linux desktop, educational CD, rescue system, or adapted and used as a platform for commercial software product demos. It is not necessary to install anything on a hard disk.
Get Knoppix Here
Other Useful Resources:
FrozenTech LiveCD List
Others to consider (Out of date or very new):
Network Security Toolkit
New ones added from authors e-mail/slashdotters and diggers:
The Gentoo Forensic Toolkit

Jumat, 26 November 2010

Aw Surveys Memberikan 27 Dollar Saat Pertama Mendaftar

Apa itu AW Surveys

AW Survey adalah salah satu program survey yang membayar setiap membernya untuk melakukan survey atas Website yang ditampilkan. Website yang ditampilkan AW Surveys ini merupakan Website-website dalam jaringan AclarnInc. Yaitu sebuah network penyurvey website untuk menilai seberapa bagus dan respon orang lain ada website tersebut.

Berbeda dengan Paid Review, AW Survey hanya meminta comment dari membernya beberapa kata atau satu kalimat saja. Misalnya “ The Informations in this Website is useful to us. I will visit again letter” dan lain-lain.

Banyak artikel yang menyebutkan bahwa program ini adalah scam atau penipuan. Namun di lain pihak banyak menyangkal akan berita ini, terutama dari mereka yang telah sukses dalam program ini dan mendapatkan komisinya. Ini disebabkan bahwa iklan website yang muncul sangatlah sedikit, hanya permulaan daftarnya saja yang tersedia dengan jumlah yang banyak, dan hampir tidak ada untuk hari hari selanjutnya. Baru ketika awal bulan biasanya ada satu atau dua iklanm ditampilkan untuk kita Survey. Sehingga mereka menganggap bahwa program ini scam.

Selain itu, kita juga harus membaca ulang TOS (Term of Sevice) yang diberikan oleh AW Surveys. dan rata-rata mereka yang gagal dalam AW Surveys adalah mereka pelanggar TOS tersebut. Seperti halnya memanipulasi data dalam mencari referral. Disini yang dimaksud adalah membuat double ID untuk didaftarkan di link referral kita. Bagaimana AW Surveys mengetahui kalo kita memanipulasi data, yaitu dengan mengecek kesamaan IP. Jadi jangan sampai ada orang yang mendaftar sebagai referral kita dengan IP pendaftaran yang sama, karene AW Survey menyangka anda menipu mereka.

Bagaimana Sistem Kerjanya

Seperti yang penulis sampaikan diatas bahwa kita hanya menyurvey saja, bukan mereview, dan tidak memerlukan waktu banyak. Kita buka iklan websitenya dan kita lihat sebentar, lalu tutup dan kita tulis comment surveynya. Untuk selanjutnya AW Surveys menghimbau kita untuk mencari referral, karena kebanyakan kisah sukses member AW Surveys ini karena banyak mengumpulkan referral.

Kenapa Program ini membayar

Perlu diketahui bahwa dalam jaringan AclarnInc ini, rata-rata adalah website-website baru dari kalangan atas yang mempunyai profit besar. Mereka membutuhkan orang lain untuk sekedar menilai website-website mereka. Untuk itu kita dibayar sebagai member yang melakukan Surveys atas website-website mereka.

Berapa Komisinya

Pertama. AW Survey memberikan komisi gratis sebesar $ 6. Kedua, AW Surveys memberikan komisi setiap Survey yang kita lakukan sebesar $ 2 hingga $ 4. Ketiga, AW surveys memberikan komisi $ 1,25 untuk satu member yang daftar dari link referral kita. Biasanya untuk awal pendaftaran, member bisa mendapatkan sekitar 25 hingga $ 30 dan selanjutnya bisa didapatkan melalui referral.


Pembayaran bisa diminta ketika jumlah komisi telah mencapai $ 75 melalui Alat Pembayaran Online Paypal. Namun yang masuk kerekening anda hanya sebesar $ 47.5. yaitu Potongan Fee sebesar $ 25 dan $ 2.5 dari Paypal.

Trik-Tips Mendapatkan Komisi Optimal

Sejauh pengalaman dan infomasi yang diketahui penulis, kesuksesan dalam program AW Surveys ini lebih disebabkan oleh berhasil tidaknya kita menjaring referral. Dan ini menurut penulis tidaklah berat untuk dilaksanakan. Anda bisa membuat artikel tentang AW Surveys seperti yang penulis lakukan kemudian anda publish di Website atau blog anda, sehingga pengunjung anda medaftar dari link tersebut. Bisa juga dengan membuat email ajakan kepada teman-teman anda untuk mendaftar program ini. Bagaimanapun caranya , penulis rasa anda tahu apa yang harus anda lakukan. Namun ingat jangan sampai anda membuat double ID karena itu sama saja dengan membohongi pemilik progam. Kalaupun anda berhasil, namun kehalalan uang yang anda dapatkan akan dipertanggung jawabkan di depan Tuhan YME.

Anda Tertarik, Daftarlah…!

Ok, Jika anda benar benar tertarik segera daftarlah, karena semakin cepat anda daftar maka anda tidak kehilangan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan referral yang lebih besar lagi. Saran penulis, jangan terlalu banyak menghiraukan berita-berita bahwa ini program ini Scam. Anda patuhi saja TOS yang diberikan oleh AW Surveys dan banyak berdoa. Hehehe…..

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Ingat daftar dari link diatas, agar anda menjadi referral penulis, ya hitung-hitung sebagai hadiah telah memberikan informasi ini kepada anda.

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6. Lihat dan cermati website tersebut lalu tutup.
Sekarang isikan komentar survey anda pada kolom putih dibawah yang telah disediakan. Lihat gambar untuk lebih jelasnya. Misalnya dengan mengisi kalimat “ the Website is useful to us, I willcome back again” dan lain sebagainya. Ulangi pada link Website yang lain dan isi surveynya. Jika sudah klick menu Click here to Submit BOTH reviews untuk menyelesaikannya.

Untuk mencari referral yang nantinya memberikan bonus sebesar $ 1.25 per referral, sebarkan link referral anda. Untuk mengetahui link referral link anda, masuklah ke halaman refer Friends yang ada di menu horizontal atas.

jika anda menjadi REFERRAL saya:
saya akan mengasih bonus anda berupa
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Itu semua anda akan dapatkan dengan percuma alias FREE
jika anda ingin menjadi REFFERAL saya JIKA INGIN klik di sini
Setelah anda menjadi refferal saya
Untuk pengambilan hadia anda

Suruhlah teman orang lain untuk daftar pada link referral anda. Dan ingat jangan melakukan penipuan dan tindakan scam, karena acoount anda akan di blocked.

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Rahasia : Yahoo Messenger Invisible Hack

Yahoo Messenger has been one of the most oldest and popular instant messaging provide by Yahoo!. Yahoo Messenger has grown to be an irresistible Messaging tool for all ages alike. Yahoo Messenger provides several features for its users such as make calls, send smses, send files, play games, listen to radio, share photos and of course chat.

However, like all messengers, Yahoo Messenger has a disadvantage of making a person available to everyone - whether they like it or not. But there are ways where users can become invisible - and therefore invincible - to droves of their friends buzzing them just when their bosses are talking to them about their increments!

One of the most popular in-built features of Yahoo is to log in invisible mode.

What is Yahoo Messenger Invisible Mode?

Yahoo provides a feature wherein a user can log in to the Yahoo Messenger in invisible mode. It means that other people or messenger contacts cannot ascertain whether you are online or not. It helps many to maintain privacy while at work or just to avoid some people. But like everything popular has its demerits, this invisible mode of Yahoo too has problems.

What is Yahoo Messenger Invisible Hack?

The name hack suggests that it is something that breaks security. Yahoo Messenger Invisible Hack breaks the security of Yahoo Messenger Invisible Mode. This makes other people know that you are there online, even if you are logged in through invisible mode. This isn’t that difficult to achieve and many people usually do it just at a snap of fingers. Yahoo! being such a big instant messaging giant will surely come with a solution to prevent this problem.

How Can I See Invisible Mode on Yahoo Messenger?

There are two ways to do the Yahoo Messenger Invisible Hack to ascertain an invisible users’ online status.
  1. By using a third-party tool
  2. These third-party tools are used to hack not only the invisible mode of other users but to cause many more tweaks and reversing engineering the Yahoo Messenger Client. Yahoo! terms reversing their tools to be illegal and people should refrain from using such tools as also these tools may have spywares and viruses embedded into them and therefore could potentially cause damage to your computer system.
  3. By using in-built windows networking commands
  4. Windows has a built-in command to check TCP/IP connections called netstat. Netstat command shows which IP addresses are connected to our network. I tried doing this on my network and I was able to ascertain my friend’s online mode, inspite of her being in invisible mode.
Initially, I ran the command netstat –n to check network connections and got the following result:


The first column tells us about the protocol used in communication, the second column is local address, the third column suggests the foreign address or the address to which the local address is connected and the final column tells about the connection status. In the above log, if we look at the last line, it tells us about our connection to Yahoo messenger server. Then, I asked my friend to log on to Yahoo Messenger with her invisible mode on. I opened a private message conversation with her and sent her a file, after which I ran the netstat –n command again with the following result:


Now if we see carefully, we got a line added to the netstat log, which gives us details of yet another network connection. The first ip that you see on the last line of course tells about IP address of my computer and the second one tells us about the remote connection. I think it becomes not so difficult to figure out whose IP is one next to mine. Bingo! The IP we see next to my IP( was my friend’s IP(
If the netstat utility shows the IP, it goes to suggest that a connection to that computer is made for file transfer purposes. Now, if the person was not online, there wouldn’t had been any IP address there, but because the particular user I am trying to send a file is in invisible mode or online, it makes a TCP Connection and I get to see it in my netstat log.
This goes to suggest Yahoo Messenger’s invisible mode isn’t secure and people should not rely on it too much. Still, I suggest, you should constantly check with Yahoo Messenger updates to be secure with hacks which could breach your messaging experience.

(Please note that this article has been presented before you only for educational purpose. I am not responsible for any consequences or damages arising out of this.)

Rahasia : China: The Great Red Cyber Army

China: The Great Red Cyber Army

In the early years computer hacking was pretty much limited to individuals who acquired unconventional skills and the software to apply it. Over time hacking became more organized, with gangs employing hackers to engage in a variety cyber crimes. These days the hacking art has become almost an institutionalized resource in an information war that is being waged by nations at the highest political levels.

Despite denials of culpability, China has been repeatedly fingered as one of the worst culprits when it comes to the smile-and-hack routine.

Recently German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, was toasted in Beijing by a smiling Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao, as they praised relations between the two countries. While this show of affection was going on, in the electronic corridors of the internet it was a very different story. Chinese cyber bandits have had considerable success in placing spy software on computers located in the German Chancellery and foreign ministries.

A recent Der Spiegel article describes the techniques used by Chinese hackers. A favorite method is to conceal espionage programs in Microsoft Word documents and PowerPoint files, which infect IT installations when opened. German investigators have tracked the source of the attack to Lanzhou and Canton provinces - also to Beijing. Investigators believe the operations were being directed by the Peoples’ Liberation Army (PLA), and that the programs were being routed via computers located in S. Korea in an attempt to disguise the origins of the attack.

The PLA has also been targeting the Pentagon’s computer systems. A recent attack, described in some reports as "an onslaught" went on for several months and eventually succeeded in penetrating the system, forcing officials to shut down the part of the network that had been compromised.

Given its extensive international connections, Pentagon computer networks are vast. It operates 3.5 million computers across 65 countries, including 35 internal networks.

The most secure network used by the Pentagon is Siprnet. It handles top secret information. According to official sources high end Siprnet security has never been breached. The part of the network which the Chinese have succeeded in piercing is Niprnet, which mainly handles non-classified information. According to a Pentagon source, China has downloaded 10 to 20 terabytes of data from Niprnet. There are around three million daily scans of the GID or Global Information Grid, the Defence Department’s main network artery.

Experts have different views on how the Chinese managed to pull off these attacks. One of the more likely scenarios is that hackers obtained access to a less secure computer and then exploited its flaws in order to extend the attack to other computers higher up in the network.

US officials are well aware of Chinese cyber espionage. It’s been going on since 2003 and has included ‘sweeps’ of US intelligence, gathering everything from flight information to aircraft plans. The Americans even coined a name for the Chinese hacking raids - Titan Rain - and tracked the origins of most of them to Guangdong where there is known to be a large PLA presence. Attacks have also been directed at government networks in the UK. The British Foreign Office network was singled out for special attention.

Despite Chinese denials, there is little doubt that intelligence gathering operations have official sanction. Chinese writings over recent years attest to a keen interest in cyber warfare. Some of these books offer theories that almost amount to a doctrine of information warfare.

A book entitled Unrestricted Warfare, authored by two PLA colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, offers the following insight ... "The new principles of war are no longer ‘using armed force to compel the enemy to submit to one’s will,’ but rather are ‘using all means, including armed force or unarmed force, military and nonmilitary, and lethal and nonlethal means to compel the enemy to accept one’s interests."

Information wars are rapidly becoming a major feature of life in the 21st century. It is believed there are as many as 120 countries that engage in cyber warfare. Chinese denials that they engage in this activity are contradicted by a white paper in which there is explicit reference to "informational armed forces" - forces described as being one of the three pillars of Chinese military strategy.

Senin, 22 November 2010

Rahasia : Hacking Facebook

Hacking Facebook with Javascript

now updated for the latest (March 2010) version of facebook!

Because facebook relies so heavily on javascript, and because we can type javascript into the address bar, that means we can “poke” into the workings of facebook to do things that we wouldn’t normally be able to do. It’s not “hacking” exactly, but it employs the same sort of skills hackers use when looking into applications. The best part is that because it’s all using the same control codes (or “API”) that facebook uses, there’s no way for facebook to find out you’re doing it, so it’s totally safe! (I think…) Besides, we’re not going to be doing anything too dodgy, just a few little tweaks ;)
Facebook Hack: Sending your friends offline
Here’s a funny one; if you’re chatting to a friend, get them to paste the following code into their facebook address bar:
It’ll make them go offline! Of course it’s not permanent, they can go back online by clicking the icon as normal, or by giving the same command again
Facebook Hack: Change facebook color
Check this out:

Isn’t that cool? Just use the following code to get your profile colour changed and impress your friends!
Of course, you can use any colour you like; green, yellow,orange, black. It’s also fun to change it to “white” so you can’t see the text. Muahahaha. Again, only you can see it, but it does last until you log out or view certain special pages.
Facebook Hack: Get Chat History Even When Friends Aren’t Online
New: Video Tutorial for this hack.
Here’s a facebook hack that’s actually proven very useful to me in the past. One thing that I find annoying about facebook is that you can’t retrieve chat history if your buddy is offline… well now you can! :)
Click onto your friend’s profile page and copy their facebook ID from the address bar; i.e. the number after “id=”, highlighted in red below:

It might look slightly different,  perhaps like this:
But the important thing is to copy the number of the user, in our case 123132132213
Then while you’re still on facebook, type this into the address bar:
(with the correct ID of course)
And their chat window will pop up, saying “Jimbo is offline”. And if there’s any chat history, it will be displayed. How neat is that!
You can even open a chat window to yourself by pasting your own ID into the javascript, as seen to the right. You can use it for little notes to yourself, but remember that facebook chat history is cleared every few days, so don’t rely on it.
UPDATE1: A few people have had trouble pasting it in correctly, so here’s how it should look:
UPDATE2: Now that we have facebook usernames, it can be little harder to determine the ID of a profile, but it’s still possible – here’s one way: right click the “see all” friends link and choose “copy link location”, like so:
Or in Internet Explorer, you can choose “open link in new tab”. The resulting URL will look something like this:
That’s it!
Facebook Hack: Change your name (temporarily)
This one’s a very simple hack that you can apply to any website. As you saw in the screenshot above, I’d changed my facebook to display as “Facebook | Leet Hax0r”. You can do this by using the following javascript:
javascript:void(document.title="Facebook | Neo");
Sadly, your friends will only see your actual name, not the new one, but it can make for some amusement in a computer lab class or anywhere where you can show people face to face.
Facebook Hack: Close chat windows
If you’re chatting to a friend and want to close the window, sure you can just click the ‘x’ in the top corner, but isn’t it cooler to do it with javascript? Well no not really, but if you can trick your friend into typing the following code in, you can close the chat window of anyone they’re chatting to:
That will close my chat with “123132132213″. You can send your friends that link with your own facebook ID in it, and it’ll close their chat window with you! And if you happen to know that ID:123 is chatting with ID:321, you can send the following to ID:123, and when they paste it in it’ll close their chat with 321!
Other Facebook Hacks
The hacks above are the most impressive, but there are a few other little things you can do which are mildly interesting:
Bring up notifications:
Bring up online friends list:
Bring up application tab:
Make text bold or underlined in facebook chat: use *stars* for bold text, and _underscores_ for underlined. There is no way to get italic text on facebook; see my comment here about facebook chat italics.
That’s all the hacks I’ve found (but I know there are more). In fact, it’s possible to get your friends to “like”, or “unlike” items, and I think it would be possible to get them to comment and more, but the complexity of the javascript makes it not worth doing, plus you have to get them to paste code into their address bar – there’s no way to do it without getting them to do that.

Facebook Easter Egg: Pirate Language

Here’s a nice little facebook easter egg for you:  Go to the language settings page and scroll to the bottom of the list of languages, and somewhere around there you should see “English (Pirate)” in the list of supported languages.
Choose that language option and avast ye sails fer much facebook silliness.
Facebook Easter Egg: Konami
This one is awesome, thanks to Jim in the comments for letting me know about it.
Click in your status update box and type the following: [up] [up] [down] [down] [left] [right] [left] [right] b a [enter], and then click anywhere on the page to see lensflares:

Facebook Chat Smilies

There are a whole load of facebook emoticons available in the chat window. Here’s the complete list decribing what facebook smileys there are and how to display smilies in facebook chat. This seems to have been first discovered by This list includes the shark smilie and the new facebook penguin smiley!
facebook happy smiley :) facebook sad smiley :( facebook tongue smiley :P facebook grin smiley :D
facebook shock smiley :o facebook wink smiley ;) facebook glasses smiley 8) facebook cool smiley 8|
facebook grumpy smiley >:( facebook erm smiley :/ facebook crying smiley :’( facebook devil smiley 3:)
facebook angel smiley O:) facebook kiss smiley :* facebook love smiley <3 facebook happy smiley ^_^
facebook happy smiley -_- facebook confused smiley o.O facebook laugh smiley <:o facebook pacman smiley :v
facebook shark smiley (^^^) facebook cat smiley :3 facebook robot smiley :|] facebook putnam smiley :putnam:
I hope you enjoyed that post, please thumb me up on stumbleupon or digg me if you liked it :) Happy Hacking! If you want to learn how to hack, I also have a little hacking tutorial online that you might enjoy.
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