Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Rahasia : 10 Tips to Avoid Getting Adware

10 Tips to Avoid Getting Adware

AdwareAdware, malware, spyware and viruses can bring your system to its knees. They are detrimental, lowering the performance of your computer. You might need to replace data. You might lose unique files. Keep the nasties away from your computer using these ten simple tips.
1. Use Firefox: Internet Explorer is the most popular browser on the market, controlling over 50% of the market share. The virus and adware creators specifically look for exploitable vulnerabilities within IE because they know that they will receive the best return on investment. Your switch to Firefox prevents some adware from infecting your machine.
2. Scan your PC once a week: Sometimes adware programmers take a sneaky approach. They will set up their programs to run quietly in the background to spy upon your activities. This once a week scan is necessary to remove any of those sneaky bugs.
3. Download from known sites: New sites for installing adware are popping up all the time. If you find something that you want to download, make sure that it is from a known site. A company like Amazon will not steer you wrong, but Bob’s House of Wares might be a little less trustable. If you are not sure whether you can trust a site, perform a quick search.
4. Install Adaware: Ad-Aware is the most popular free adware removal program on the market. It detects, quarantines and removes adware. It searches for other programs which may have been installed, highlighting them in an easy to use interface. This program does not have an anti-virus attached.
5. Do not click on unsolicited email: You are constantly receiving offers to increase this or improve that through unsolicited email. Your curiosity may be killing you, but don’t click on these emails. They accept your click as permission to install adware, spyware and malware on your PC.
6. Install Antivirus software: Installing two programs for virus and adware protection is a smart idea. It caters to the strengths of each program, increasing the overall strength of your antiadware and antiviral campaign. Some of the best antivirus software is free, providing real time protection. Programs to look at would be Avast Antivir and AVG.
7. Don’t install toolbars: Even some reputable sites install custom toolbars. They slow your system down and collect information about your surfing habits. While a toolbar might offer some perks, it may also diminish your experience by dragging your system to a halt. Toolbars from less reputable places install adware and sometimes infect your system outright.
8. Look at your task manager: If anything seems out of place with your computer, take a look at your task manager. This tells you about all of the programs and processes which are running on your computer. Examine the processes tab for anything which you don’t immediately recognize. Perform a web search for unfamiliar processes.
9. Do not click on popups: Clicking on a popup usually spells certain doom for your computer. It opens the door for the viruses and adware that want to infect your machine, telling these malicious applications to make themselves at home. Stay away from those constantly advertised screensavers and icons.
10. Trust your gut: If you don’t feel right about a site, don’t go there. If you are receiving warnings from the antivirus and antiadware programs which you’ve installed, don’t go there. If you don’t like the layout of a site, don’t go there. Trust your instincts about sites.
With proper vigilance, you can keep aggravating adware, spyware and malware from your machine. Trust your instincts. Install Ad-Aware and an antivirus program. Play it safe. The care you spend in preventing adware from infecting your machine can save money and time.

Rahasia : Customize Google to Improve Search Results

Customize GoogleGoogle is indisputedbly the best search engine out there on the Internet, however there are a few ways by which you can customize Google and make it even better. I have got 3 best free Firefox extensions using which you can customize Google by adding extra useful information to your search results and remove unwanted informationlike ads, spam and click tracking so as to improve the overall searching experience. The following are the 3 best extensions for Firefox using which you can improve the search results.

1. OptimizeGoogle:
Using OptimizeGoogle, you can get rid of text ads from Google search results, add links from about 10 other search engines, add position counter, product results and more. You can even filter your search results to see dead websites (using WayBack Machine) and remove click tracking so that you can search anonymously. Here is a list of some of the other useful features of this plugin.
1. Use Google suggest (get word suggestion while typing)
2. Add more security by using https wherever necessary
3. Filter spammy websites from search results page
4. Option to remove SideWiki
5. Add links to bookmark your favorite result
6. Add links to other news and product search sites
To install the plugin, just visit the OptimizeGoogle page from your Firefox browser and click on the Download button. Once installed, you can enable or disable the customization options from the Tools -> OptimizeGoogle Options.
After you customize Google to improve the search results, how about adding a feature that provides a way to preview the website in the search results itself? Here is a miracle Firefox extension to this job for us.

2.  SearchPreview:

SearchPreview (formerly GooglePreview) will insert thumbnail view of the webpage into the Google search results page itself so that you can take the guess work out of clicking a link. Just install the plugin, reload Firefox and you will have the SearchPreview at work. You can install this plugin from the following link.
SearchPreview Download
OptimizeGoogle and SearchPreview have made our search results smarter and faster. Now how about safer? Well you have another Firefox plugin to make your search results safer as well. Here we go.

3. McAfee SiteAdvisor:

This is a free browser plugin that gives safety advice about websites on the search results page before you actually click on the links. After you install the SiteAdvisor plugin, you will see a small rating icon next to each search result which will alert you about suspecious/risky websites and help you find safer alternatives. These ratings are derived based on various tests conducted by McAfee.
Based on the quality of links, SiteAdvisor may display Green, Yellow, Red or Grey icon next to the search results. Green means that the link is completely safe, Yellow means that there is a minor risk, Red means a mojor risk and Grey means that the site is not yet rated. These results will guide you to Web safety.
SiteAdvisor works on both Internet Explorer and Firefox which you can download from the following link:
McAfee SiteAdvisor Download
I hope you enjoy these 3 plugins which make your searching experience a lot more simpler and safer. Here is a snapshot of all the 3 plugins at work.
Custom Google Search Results

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Rahasia : Advanced Shellcoding Techniques


This paper assumes a working knowledge of basic shellcoding techniques, and x86 assembly, I will not rehash these in this paper.  I hope to teach you some of the lesser known shellcoding techniques that I have picked up, which will allow you to write smaller and better shellcodes.  I do not claim to have invented any of these techniques, except for the one that uses the div instruction.

The multiplicity of mul

This technique was originally developed by Sorbo of darkircop.net.  The mul instruction may, on the surface, seem mundane, and it's purpose obvious.  However, when faced with the difficult challenge of shrinking your shellcode, it proves to be quite useful.  First some background information on the mul instruction itself.

mul performs an unsigned multiply of two integers.  It takes only one operand, the other is implicitly specified by the %eax register.  So, a  common mul instruction might look something like this:

movl $0x0a,%eax
mul $0x0a

This would multiply the value stored in %eax by the operand of mul, which in this case would be 10*10.  The result is then implicitly stored in EDX:EAX.  The result is stored over a span of two registers because it has the potential to be considerably larger than the previous value, possibly exceeding the capacity of a single register(this is also how floating points are stored in some cases, as an interesting sidenote).

So, now comes the ever-important question.  How can we use these attributes to our advantage when writing shellcode?  Well, let's think for a second, the instruction takes only one operand, therefore, since it is a very common instruction, it will generate only two bytes in our final shellcode.  It multiplies whatever is passed to it by the value stored in %eax, and stores the value in both %edx and %eax, completely overwriting the contents of both registers, regardless of whether it is necessary to do so, in order to store the result of the multiplication.  Let's put on our mathematician hats for a second, and consider this, what is the only possible result of a multiplication by 0?  The answer, as you may have guessed, is 0.  I think it's about time for some example code, so here it is:

xorl %ecx,%ecx
mul %ecx

What is this shellcode doing?  Well, it 0's out the %ecx register using the xor instruction, so we now know that %ecx is 0.  Then it does a mul %ecx, which as we just learned, multiplies it's operand by the value in %eax, and then proceeds to store the result of this multiplication in EDX:EAX.  So, regardless of %eax's previous contents, %eax must now be 0.  However that's not all, %edx is 0'd now too, because, even though no overflow occurs, it still overwrites the %edx register with the sign bit(left-most bit) of %eax.  Using this technique we can zero out three registers in only three bytes, whereas by any other method(that I know of) it would have taken at least six.

The div instruction

Div is very similar to mul, in that it takes only one operand and implicitly divides the operand by the value in %eax.  Also like, mul it stores the result of the divide in %eax.  Again, we will require the mathematical side of our brains to figure out how we can take advantage of this instruction.  But first, let's think about what is normally stored in the %eax register.  The %eax register holds the return value of functions and/or syscalls.  Most syscalls that are used in shellcoding will return -1(on failure) or a positive value of some kind, only rarely will they return 0(though it does occur).  So, if we know that after a syscall is performed, %eax will have a non-zero value, and that  the instruction divl %eax will divide %eax by itself, and then store the result in %eax, we can say that executing the divl %eax instruction after a syscall will put the value 1 into %eax.  So...how is this applicable to shellcoding? Well, their is another important thing that %eax is used for, and that is to pass the specific syscall that you would like to call to int $0x80.  It just so happens that the syscall that corresponds to the value 1 is exit().  Now for an example:

xorl %ebx,%ebx
mul %ebx
push %edx
pushl   $0x3268732f
pushl   $0x6e69622f
mov %esp, %ebx
push %edx
push %ebx
mov %esp,%ecx
movb $0xb, %al  #execve() syscall, doesn't return at all unless it fails, in which case it returns -1
int $0x80

divl %eax  # -1 / -1 = 1
int $0x80

Now, we have a 3 byte exit function, where as before it was 5 bytes.  However, there is a catch, what if a syscall does return 0?  Well in the odd situation in which that could happen, you could do many different things, like inc %eax, dec %eax, not %eax anything that will make %eax non-zero.  Some people say that exit's are not important in shellcode, because your code gets executed regardless of whether or not it exits cleanly.  They are right too, if you really need to save 3 bytes to fit your shellcode in somewhere, the exit() isn't worth keeping.  However, when your code does finish, it will try to execute whatever was after your last instruction, which will most likely produce a SIG ILL(illegal instruction) which is a rather odd error, and will be logged by the system.  So, an exit() simply adds an extra layer of stealth to your exploit, so that even if it fails or you can't wipe all the logs, at least this part of your presence will be clear.

Unlocking the power of leal

The leal instruction is an often neglected instruction in shellcode, even though it is quite useful.  Consider this short piece of shellcode.

xorl %ecx,%ecx
leal 0x10(%ecx),%eax

This will load the value 17 into eax, and clear all of the extraneous bits of eax.  This occurs because the leal instruction loads a variable of the type long into it's desitination operand.  In it's normal usage, this would load the address of a variable into a register, thus creating a pointer of sorts.  However, since ecx is 0'd and 0+17=17, we load the value 17 into eax instead of any kind of actual address.  In a normal shellcode we would do something like this, to accomplish the same thing:

xorl %eax,%eax
movb $0x10,%eax

I can hear you saying, but that shellcode is a byte shorter than the leal one, and you're quite right.  However, in a real shellcode you may already have to 0 out a register like ecx(or any other register), so the xorl instruction in the leal shellcode isn't counted.  Here's an example:

xorl    %eax,%eax
xorl    %ebx,%ebx
movb    $0x17,%al
int    $0x80
xorl %ebx,%ebx
leal 0x17(%ebx),%al
int $0x80

Both of these shellcodes call setuid(0), but one does it in 7 bytes while the other does it in 8.  Again, I hear you saying but that's only one byte it doesn't make that much of a difference, and you're right, here it doesn't make much of a difference(except for in shellcode-size pissing contests =p), but when applied to much larger shellcodes, which have many function calls and need to do things like this frequently, it can save quite a bit of space.

Rahasia : Backtracking EMAILs

Tracking email back to its source: Twisted Evil
cause i hate spammers... Evil or Very Mad

Ask most people how they determine who sent them an email message and the response is almost universally, "By the From line." Unfortunately this symptomatic of the current confusion among internet users as to where particular messages come from and who is spreading spam and viruses. The "From" header is little more than a courtesy to the person receiving the message. People spreading spam and viruses are rarely courteous. In short, if there is any question about where a particular email message came from the safe bet is to assume the "From" header is forged.

So how do you determine where a message actually came from? You have to understand how email messages are put together in order to backtrack an email message. SMTP is a text based protocol for transferring messages across the internet. A series of headers are placed in front of the data portion of the message. By examining the headers you can usually backtrack a message to the source network, sometimes the source host. A more detailed essay on reading email headers can be found .

If you are using Outlook or Outlook Express you can view the headers by right clicking on the message and selecting properties or options.

Below are listed the headers of an actual spam message I received. I've changed my email address and the name of my server for obvious reasons. I've also double spaced the headers to make them more readable.

Return-Path: < s359dyxtt@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it >

X-Original-To: davar@example.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Delivered-To: davar@example.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Received: from 12-218-172-108.client.mchsi.com (12-218-172-108.client.mchsi.com [])
by mailhost.example.com (Postfix) with SMTP id 1F9B8511C7
for < davar@example.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it >; Sun, 16 Nov 2003 09:50:37 -0800 (PST)

Received: from (HELO 0udjou) [] by 12-218-172-108.client.mchsi.com with ESMTP id <536806-74276>; Sun, 16 Nov 2003 19:42:31 +0200

Message-ID: -n@eo2.32574This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it >

From: "Maricela Paulson" < s359dyxtt@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it >

Reply-To: "Maricela Paulson" < s359dyxtt@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it >

To: davar@example.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Subject: STOP-PAYING For Your PAY-PER-VIEW, Movie Channels, Mature Channels...isha

Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 19:42:31 +0200

X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)

X-Priority: 3

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="MIMEStream=_0+211404_90873633350646_4032088448"

According to the From header this message is from Maricela Paulson at s359dyxxt@yahoo.com.This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it I could just fire off a message to abuse@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , but that would be waste of time. This message didn't come from yahoo's email service.

The header most likely to be useful in determining the actual source of an email message is the Received header. According to the top-most Received header this message was received from the host 12-218-172-108.client.mchsi.com with the ip address of by my server mailhost.example.com. An important item to consider is at what point in the chain does the email system become untrusted? I consider anything beyond my own email server to be an unreliable source of information. Because this header was generated by my email server it is reasonable for me to accept it at face value.

The next Received header (which is chronologically the first) shows the remote email server accepting the message from the host 0udjou with the ip Those of you who know anything about IP will realize that that is not a valid host IP address. In addition, any hostname that ends in client.mchsi.com is unlikely to be an authorized email server. This has every sign of being a cracked client system.

Here's is where we start digging. By default Windows is somewhat lacking in network diagnostic tools; however, you can use the tools at to do your own checking.

davar@nqh9k:[/home/davar] $whois

AT&T WorldNet Services ATT (NET-12-0-0-0-1) -
Mediacom Communications Corp MEDIACOMCC-12-218-168-0-FLANDREAU-MN (NET-12-218-168-0-1) -

# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2003-12-31 19:15
# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.

I can also verify the hostname of the remote server by using nslookup, although in this particular instance, my email server has already provided both the IP address and the hostname.

davar@nqh9k:[/home/davar] $nslookup

Server: localhost

Name: 12-218-172-108.client.mchsi.com

Ok, whois shows that Mediacom Communications owns that netblock and nslookup confirms the address to hostname mapping of the remote server,12-218-172-108.client.mchsi.com. If I preface a www in front of the domain name portion and plug that into my web browser, http://www.mchsi.com, I get Mediacom's web site.

There are few things more embarrassing to me than firing off an angry message to someone who is supposedly responsible for a problem, and being wrong. By double checking who owns the remote host's IP address using two different tools (whois and nslookup) I minimize the chance of making myself look like an idiot.

A quick glance at the web site and it appears they are an ISP. Now if I copy the entire message including the headers into a new email message and send it to abuse@mchsi.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it with a short message explaining the situation, they may do something about it.

But what about Maricela Paulson? There really is no way to determine who sent a message, the best you can hope for is to find out what host sent it. Even in the case of a PGP signed messages there is no guarantee that one particular person actually pressed the send button. Obviously determining who the actual sender of an email message is much more involved than reading the From header. Hopefully this example may be of some use to other forum regulars.

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Rahasia : Easy ChickHEN CFW installer (Without Pandora)

 Since ChickHEN is out PSP-2000 owners with a TA88v2 or less or a TA90v1 motherboard now have the option to now install Custom Firmware without the need of a Pandora battery.We have put together a Easy installer that contains everything you’ll need. Hellcats Recovery flasher, ChickHEN, PSP firmware update 5.00.
Warning make sure you only try this on a PSP that will accept PSP Custom Firmware flashing (Custom IPL) otherwise you will brick your PSP!!! PSP-3000′s will not take CFW. Check your PSP will take CFW here. Or run ChickHEN first, then when ChickHEN is loaded run PSPident from the Game XMB menu. (PSPIdent with install with this easy installer)
Steps to install CFW on a PSP Slim without a Pandora battery.
1. Check and triple check you have a hackable PSP that will accept
custom firmware flashing without resulting in a BRICKED PSP. Make sure you have a PSP with a TA88v2 or below only + or TAv90v1. If your PSP has a TA88v3 or above or is a PSP-3000 DO NOT proceed!!! You will brick your PSP.
Run the installer and point it to your Memory stick Pro Duo root.
2. If you don’t have don’t have PSP firmware 5.03. Get that here: PSP Firmware 5.03 Make a folder called UPDATE in your PSP/GAME folder and place the eboot in there on your memory stick pro duo.
3. Now lets run ChickHEN to have a homebrew enabled environment. In your PSP go to photo then click the ChickHEN photo and wait. If the PSP jams, please retry. If it flashes colours and reboots you have loaded ChicKHEN. Check your system info to be sure it say’s 5.03 ChickHEN R2. If you need help getting ChickHEN to run please visit this post.
4. Now with your PSP rebooted in ChickHEN go to your PSP XMB game menu and run Hellcats Recovery and install 5.00 M33!!! Your PSP will reboot, follow the instuctions to install PSP Custom Firmware 5.00 M33. After your done you can update to 5.00 M33-6
   (Without Pandora) (27.9 MiB, 89,948 hits)
You need to be a registered user to download this file.
Download: Easy ChickHEN 
CFW installer (Without Pandora) Mirror
( (Without Pandora) Mirror - unknown - 99,549 Hits)

Hackable PSP Chart (PSP's that will or won't take CFW)
Hackable PSP's (PSP's that will or won't take CFW)
Thanks to:
Davee for ChickHEN,
Dark_Alex for 5.00 M33
And Hellcat for his CFW installer!

Rahasia : How to back up a PSP Game to ISO format

This tutorial is how to back up your PSP UMD games.
First you will need a PSP with M33 Custom firmware. Don’t have custom firmware? Please read this thread in order to get Custom Firmware -> 2009 Tutorial to Installing Custom Firmware 5.00 M33 on your PSP.
Firstly insert your UMD disk you want to back up to an ISO in your UMD drive of your PSP. Turn on your PSP (if not on) Now hit select or home button to bring up your M33 VSH Menu and select the following:
  • UMD ISO MODE: Normal
Making a PSP UMD back up (select the following in the M33 VSH 

Making a PSP UMD back up (select the following in the M33 VSH Menu)
Once you have selected the M33 VSH menu as above, exit the VSH menu. In your PSP Menu – Go to settings USB Mode. Now connect a USB cable to your PSP and connect this to your PC (sorry macs are not supported)
Depending on your PSP it will say “Installing drivers” this is normal under vista. Go your computer and you should now see a Drive logo with the ID of the UMD. In my case for GTA Vice City Stories its ULES-00502. Open this and you will see some thing like ULES-00502.iso. This is your ISO back image of your UMD Disk. Copy this to your computer. I recommend you rename this iso to the games name for easy of use.

PSP UMD Drive shown here

PSP UMD Drive shown here. Open the drive and we will have our PSP .iso image inside
You can now make this into a Compressed image file (CSO) or just run that .iso file in your ISO folder of your PSP memory stick to run that game of the memory card. With out UMD lag!!!! Yeah!

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Rahasia : How To Decrypt The Password Of The RAR File

Almost everyone met with password protected winrar file.For example, you have downloaded movies or something else  from torrent or rapidshare, and when you try to open the downloaded file  appears “Enter password for the encrypted file”… Damn… What now…You can decrypt the password of the .rar file with RAR Password Cracker. I´ve tested and have broken password with 3 charachters for 60 seconds.
How to use RAR Password Cracker?
You can use a dictionary attack and a brute force attack.I prefer brute force. Brute force actually means to start with a letter a and encrypting it. Then see if the encrypted strings match. If not then b, c, … until we’ve gotten . Then the encrypted strings will match and we’ll know that is the right password. Brute force attack is the slowest method of cracking, but there is no risk that you’ll not find the password. The thing about brute force is that the time of cracking rises rapidly depending on how long the password is, how many characters are being used in it and so forth.
To crack winrar password follow steps below.
1. Launch RAR Password Cracker
2.Load Rar file , which you want to decrypt and add to project.
decrypt password
3.Choose method
decrypt password
4.Add charset and set password length.
decrypt password
5.Save project and click Finish
decrypt password
6. Decrypted password is “iva”
decrypt password
Download RAR Password Cracker:
Website: http://www.rarpasswordcracker.com/
Download page: http://www.rarpasswordcracker.com/rpc412_setup.exe
File size: 205 Kb
License: Freeware

Rahasia : MSN: Tips And Tricks

Get an IP Address of a Friend
Using TCP View , you can easly get IP Address of a friend. Just start conversation on MSN and TCP View will do the rest.

1. Download TCP View
2.Run Tcpview.exe
MSN Hack
3.Start conversation with friend, and you´ll find external ip addresses that are next to msnmsgr.exe. It looks like this
MSN Hack
Multiple MSN Trick
Let’s say you’re using more than one account and you want to have the option of using them all at the same time. There are many ways to get multiple version of MSN , I´ll describe two: registry hack and with using MSN Messenger (WLM) Polygamy 2009
Registry hack:
1. Go to Start, then Run, in Run Option type regedit and click OK
2. When Registry editor appear navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Live\Messenger
( For 64-bit OS : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Live\Messenger)
3. In the right, right click on blank space and New-> DWORD Value
MSN Hack
4. Name the new registry value entry as MultipleInstances, right click on MultipleInstances and select Modify
MSN Hack
5.Set Value as 1
MSN Hack
6. Restart your computer and start as many MSN as you want from Start Menu
Note: Before each registry hack , you shoud create Registry backup, in case something goes wrong.
MSN Messenger (WLM) Polygamy 2009:
I have already written post about MSN Messenger (WLM) Polygamy 2009, on this link you can find how to install and set up MSN Messenger (WLM) Polygamy 2009
Save your Windows Messenger conversations
If you have important conversation, that you need to remember, you can save the text of the conversation using this simple tip.
In the Conversation window, click File., then click Save As
MSN Hack
Save your document as RTF document or same other document.
MSN Hack

Rahasia : How To Back Up Bookmarks In Firefox

You probably sometimes lost important data on your computer and then when they are lost, you say Damn…. I wish back up my data. It¨s always good to have a back up of data especially the bookmarks in Firefox. .Backing up your bookmarks is very simple. Here is a quick tutorial to help you out.
1) Launch Mozilla Firefox
2)Go to Bookmarks tab and click on Organize Bookmarks…
Backup  Bookmarks
3) When Libary appear click on Backup under Import and Backup tab.

Backup  Bookmarks
4) Save you backup. The file will contain all your bookmarks and will be an . JSON file.
Back Up  Bookmarks
5)When you need to restore your backup navigate to Import and Backup-> Restore -> Choose File… Choose your backup file saved as .json and your bookmarks will be restored.
back up

Rahasia : 5 Useful Google Labs Features To Improve Your Gmail

Gmail has changed our lives permanently it offer 5 GB of email storage for free and a lot of google labs features. This is one of the reasons why I love Google. Here is a list of useful google labs features which will for sure , improve your gmail.
1) Watch Youtube Videos In Gmail Chat
With this feature you can watch previews of YouTube videos whenever you receive a YouTube link in an email.
It looks like this:
Watch Youtube Videos
To enable it go to gmail labs , search for YouTube previews in mail and select Enable and click on Save Changes at the bottom.
improve your Google Mail
2) Use Gmail Offline With Google Gears

It is a web browser plug-in , that allows you to work in Web applications without internet connection. When you lose your connection, Gmail automatically switches to offline mode, and uses the data stored on your computer’s hard drive instead of the information sent across the network. You can read messages, star and label them, and do all of the things you’re used to doing while reading your webmail online. Here you can find tutorial guide step by step “How to install Google Gear

3) Undo Your Sent Message

Turn on Undo Send in Gmail Labs under Settings, and you’ll see a new “Undo” link on every sent mail confirmation. Click “Undo,” and we’ll grab the message before it’s sent and take you right back to compose.

improve your Google Mail

4)Google Calendar gadget
This gadget is a simple way to see your Google Calendar agenda and get an alert when you have a meeting.

5) Navbar Drag and Drop
With this feature you can re-order your navigation as you like.

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Rahasia : Google Hacking of Oracle Technologies V1.02

Database Logins

iSQL*Plus is the web version of SQL*Plus the default user interface for the Oracle database

iSQL*Plus 9.2
Oracle Application Server
iAS Demopages
Oracle Forms

Oracle Forms 6i (using CGI)

Oracle Forms 6i (using Servlets)

Oracle Forms 9i
Oracle Reports

Oracle Reports 6i

Oracle Reports 9i

Oracle Discoverer

Oracle Discoverer 9i Viewer

Oracle Discoverer 9i Plus

Oracle Discoverer 10g
Oracle HTTP Server
Browsable Oracle HTTP Server Directories
Oracle HTTP Server 1.3.12
Oracle HTTP Server 1.3.22
Oracle HTTP Server 1.3.28 Oracle HTTP Server with 300-Error Message Oracle HTTP Server with 401-Error Message Oracle Webdav Oracle Single-Sign-On Page
Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Oracle Lite 9i Oracle Jinitator Download Page

Oracle mod_plsql-related

Oracle DAD Config Page

Oracle JDeveloper
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Rahasia : Scan Open Ports/Services of Target: Netcat

Prerequisites: None

Countermeasures: Uninstall/disable fix unnecessary services, Intrusion
Detection Systems (IDS) Log and Event Log review

Description: The netcat application has many uses; one is the ability to
scan a target for open ports and services. Another utility, cryptcat, is
almost identical except that it operates with encryption.
Procedure: From a DOS prompt, type the following with the syntax of:
_ The –v option instructs netcat to run in verbose mode, allowing you
to see the progress of the scan.
_ The –r option instructs netcat to randomize local and remote ports in
an attempt to elude any intrusion detection systems.
_ The –w2 option instructs netcat to wait 2 seconds between each port
scanned to help elude any intrusion detection systems.
_ The –z option instructs netcat to operate in a zero-I/O (Input/Output)
mode. It is best to use the –z when scanning with netcat.
_ The 1-1024 instructs netcat to scan port 1-1024.
In this example, the target has the following ports open:
_ 80 (Web)
_ 7 (Echo)
_ 13 (daytime)
_ 21 (FTP)
_ 17 (Quote of the Day)
_ 445 (Windows Share)
_ 9 (discard)
_ 139 (Windows Share)
_ 19 (Character Generator)
_ 135 (epmap)
_ 443 (HTTPS)
_ 25 (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol [SMTP])
Note: From the results of this example the “low hanging fruit” ports are:
_ 7, 13, 17, 9, and 19 as these ports can easily be used to create a Denial of Service (DoS). These ports should not be open to the Internet.

Rahasia : Hack Firefox

Using Hidden about:config to Hack

about:config is one of the many hidden gems that you will find in Firefox. What about:config does is give you a visual interface where you can find the name of a preference and see or change its current value. You can also add new or hidden preferences via this interface.To open the about:config page, all you have to do is type about:config in the location bar (this is where you would normally type a web address) and press Enter. The basic layout of the about:config screen is a list with the following four columns:
_ Preference Name: This column is the actual preference name used by Firefox.
_ Status: The Status is one of two different values: default or user set. This is what you use to determine whether a preference has its original or modified values.
_ Type: This column lists the type of preference, Boolean, integer, or string. These help Firefox understand how to use the preference.
_ Value: The value for the preference correlates to the preference name and type.
Figure 2-1 shows about:config in action.
FIGURE 2-1: The about:config preference editing screen
To update or modify a value just double-click on the row. Boolean values will automatically toggle, and integer/string values will bring up a prompt. You can also right-click on the list to accomplish any of the following:
_ Copy a name or value.
_ Create a new/missing preference.
_ Toggle to another value or reset back to the default value.
To further aid in finding preferences, you can use the Filter location bar just above the list; type in any part of a preference name, and the list will automatically filter down to preference names that contain that value. Just delete the typed filter or click Show All on the right-hand side to show all preferences again. Typing in a filter of “throbber” brings up the browser.throbber.url preference, which just so happens to be the only preference entry with “throbber” in it, as shown in  Figure 2-2.
Anyone, Anywhere! 
FIGURE 2-2: Results of searching for “throbber” in about:config
One excellent reference for preference names and descriptions is available on the Preferential Extension web site. This extension and web page, though somewhat dated, contain names and descriptions for the Mozilla Suite, Firefox, and Thunderbird preferences that you can tweak and hack. You can find the web site at http://preferential.mozdev.org/

Hacking Your Profile Settings
This section covers how to manually make setting changes to your Firefox profile using the prefs.js and user.js files. Both files are plain text files, but only prefs.js is created with a default installation. The syntax used in each file is the same, is very strict, and is covered here, but make sure to carefully review manual changes to either before hacking away.

Hacking the prefs.js File

Firefox uses a file called prefs.js to store customized preference settings in a name-value pair function in the root of your profile directory. This name-value pair directly coincides with the Preference Name and Value on the about:config screen, covered in the previous section. Key features available via the Tools➪Options menu, plus customizations such as homepage and extension settings, are stored in this file.

Basic Hacking

The foundation for these settings is a JavaScript call to user_pref with a key and a value. The basic format of this call is as follows:
user_pref(“SystemPreference”) = “MyValue”;
The preference key is SystemPreference, and the key’s associated value is MyValue. The prefs.js file may contain a small number of preference entries or quite a few if you have customized several browser options or installed any extensions. Figure 2-3 shows the prefs.js file open in a standard text editor.
Anyone, Anywhere! Qeep!
FIGURE 2-3: Default prefs.js created with a new profile
Customized variables from the prefs.js are populated only once, when the browser starts up, and are saved only when Firefox is completely shut down. Keep this in mind, because manually modifying the prefs.js file while Firefox is open will nullify your prefs.js hacking efforts. This is because the file is overwritten with what Firefox has in memory when it shuts down. Each customized preference entry is stored one per line in this file. In the case of a browser crash, any
recent preferences changes are lost. Firefox has built-in default values, which are used if a preference setting is not explicitly included or modified in the prefs.js file. Here is a basic example of how to modify the prefs.js file. In the about:config search example illustrated in the previous section, you found browser.throbber.url as the Preference Name
when searching for “throbber.” The throbber is your activity indicator; it is the moving status icon on the top-right side of the browser window. The throbber URL or web page loads if you click on the throbber at any point. Please note this is different from your homepage, which is associated with your startup page, new window, and so on.
Chapter 2 — Hacking Around Manually 21
Keeping in mind that you have to close out all your Firefox browser windows, you can now drill into the %UserPath% and Profiles directory structure to find and open the prefs.js file. The basic format that you want to use is to mimic the name/value keys format as follows:
user_pref(“browser.throbber.url”) =
Note that this is actually one continuous line, although it appears on two lines here. Once you have opened up the prefs.js file in your editor, you can do a search for throbber to see if that entry already exists and change it. If the entry does not exist, you can manually type it in, or you can go directly to the end of the prefs.js file and add your entry there. Adding an
entry to the bottom of the prefs.js file works very well because Firefox reads this file in sequentially and the last key-value association is the pair that is used.While there is extreme merit in forcing yourself to find and manually update the actual entry needed, I have found myself with prefs.js files as large as 500 to 700 lines long depending on how many extensions or options I have played around with. Hunting and pecking for multiple preferences is not at the top of my
list. Call it laziness or call it genius for tapping into the quick-turnaround techniques of copy and paste, but you know which one I prefer; now you can decide for yourself. For example, you can see in the following that the prefs.js already has a custom entry for the throbber:
user_pref(“browser.throbber.url”) =
user_pref(“SystemPreference1”) = “MyValue”;
user_pref(“SystemPreference2”) = “MyValue”;
user_pref(“SystemPreference3”) = “MyValue”;
user_pref(“SystemPreference4”) = “MyValue”;
Then you can just add the new entry to the bottom, like this:
user_pref(“browser.throbber.url”) = “http://www.hackingfirefox.com/”;
user_pref(“SystemPreference1”) = “MyValue”;
user_pref(“SystemPreference2”) = “MyValue”;
user_pref(“SystemPreference3”) = “MyValue”;
user_pref(“SystemPreference4”) = “MyValue”;
user_pref(“browser.throbber.url”) = “http://www.mrtech.com/”;
When Firefox initially reads in the prefs.js it sets the browser.throbber.url preference equal to http://www.hackingfirefox.com/. Then it continues parsing the additional entries and finds that browser.throbber.url preference value is now equal to http://www.mrtech.com/, so the earlier value is negated.When Firefox shuts down, it writes a single row for each preference with the latest value; in this case, browser.throbber.url is equal to http://www
.mrtech.com/. Future startups will not mention the http://www.hackingfirefox.com/ site again.

Hacking the user.js File

The user.js file is very much like the prefs.js file in format and functionality. The key difference is that the user.js file is used to set or reset preferences to a default value. Upon restarting the browser, the user.js settings supersede the stored values of the prefs.js file. The user.js file is static and does not get manipulated by Firefox; it is used only to set or reset values in the prefs.js file. So, using this file you can easily deploy a common set of hacks to all users in an organization or to your friends. The user.js file is not initially created with the default profile settings and must be created when needed. For example, if I had five computers on which I wanted to synchronize some basic Firefox preferences, I would create one user.js file and add entries such as the following:
// Set link for Throbber icon click
user_pref(“browser.throbber.url”) = “http://www.mrtech.com/”;
// Turn on Find As You Type (FAYT)
user_pref(“accessibility.typeaheadfind”, true);
//Autostart FAYT
user_pref(“accessibility.typeaheadfind.autostart”, true);
// Search all text with FAYT
user_pref(“accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly”, false);
// Set FAYT Timeout in Milliseconds
user_pref(“accessibility.typeaheadfind.timeout”, 3000);
Once the user.js file is created, I can close Firefox and copy the file to the profile directory on each computer. The next time and every time the browser is loaded after that, these settings will supersede the values that are stored in the prefs.js file, even if the user manually changed the prefs.js, used about:config, or changed the preferences in the Tools➪Options menu. Making preference changes that conflict with values in the user.js within a browsing works only for the remainder of the time the browser is opened; closing and relaunching Firefox forces the user.js settings to be reapplied. A key thing to remember is that removing values from the user.js file will not automatically remove them for the prefs.js; you must do this manually Therefore, if you want to reset or remove a preference you should include a line with the original default value in the user.js, as follows:
user_pref(“SystemPreference”) = “DefaultValue”;
Or, optionally, you should make sure that the values are completely reset, close Firefox, and remove the setting from both the user.js and the prefs.js files.While theoretically you can use the user.js file as a one-time feature to set values, I have always been concerned with thirdparty tools or extensions tapping into specific preferences. For this reason, I always collect my defaults and have the user.js apply these defaults each time. This way, I am assured that my settings and preferences are strictly adhered to and applied every time I start up Firefox.

Hacking Browser and Web Page Content

This section explains how to modify the browser’s interface and manipulate content. The userChrome.css and userContent.css are Cascading Style Sheet files that use specific rules to manipulate many visual aspects of the browsing experience. Some aspects include menu or webpage font sizes, spacing around toolbar icons or web page images, and hiding menus or menu options or other screen elements. The userChrome.css file is used to manipulate the Firefox interface, while userContent.css is used to manipulate actual web pages.
Hacking the userChrome.css File
This section gives you a fundamental understanding of how to use userChrome.css to modify your browser’s appearance. Examples that are more advanced and more details on how to modify this file appear in coming chapters. The userChrome.css file is located in the chrome subdirectory of your profile; on default or new builds, this file does not exist. A sample file called userChrome-example.css comes with new installations of Firefox and contains some basic examples.To test the examples in this section, you can edit the userChrome-example.css file and copy it into the chrome directory in your profile folder as userChrome.css. The userChrome.css file is really a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), very much like those that you use for normal HTML web pages.Where a style sheet on a web page usually modifies visual
elements of the page, such as graphics, colors, placement, and so on, the userChrome.css file modifies visual elements of the entire Firefox interface, what we like to call chrome.
How is this possible? you may ask.Well, this is just one of the many fundamental differences between the Mozilla base code and other browsers, let alone other development platforms. Since shortly after Netscape began the Mozilla project, the Mozilla has aimed to create core low-level components with top-layer user interfaces that are cross-platform compatible. This cross-platform focus spawned the ability to create a customizable and extensible user interface. This customizable user interface initiative led to the creation of Mozilla’s XML User Interface Language (XUL), as well as CSS support for interface and dialog presentation. Later chapters dig into the browser’s user interface model and dissect a few of the key screens. To continue with a simple example, assume that we know that the id or name for the throbber
icon is throbber-box. Now that we have that, you can change the display property of this element to either hide it or to change its visual properties, such as space padding and so on. To hide the throbber on the browser chrome, the entry in the userChrome.css file would look like this:
#throbber-box {
display: none !important;
When you restart the browser, you will notice that the throbber is gone. Using common CSS techniques, the default style of the throbber box has been overwritten to change its presentation.
This next example changes some of the properties around the throbber box instead of hiding it. The basic properties we will modify are border, margins, and padding.Where the border is drawn around the object, padding is added within the boundaries of the border, and margins are added outside the border boundaries:
#throbber-box {
border: 1px solid BLUE !important;
padding-left: 5px !important;
padding-right: 5px !important;
margin-left: 20px !important;
margin-right: 20px !important;
Additionally, let’s increase the width of the search bar by adding the following code:
#search-container, #searchbar {
-moz-box-flex: 300 !important;
This change just about doubles the current width of the search bar for easier viewing of long search strings.
Figure 2-4 shows Firefox without customizations.
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FIGURE 2-4: Plain throbber in top-right corner
Figure 2-5 shows Firefox with throbber and search-bar customizations.
Anyone, Anywhere! 
FIGURE 2-5: Throbber with border, spacing, and margin customizations, and wider search bar

What you should notice is a blue 1-pixel border around the throbber, with 5 pixels of padding space to the left and right inside the border, and 20 pixels of margin spacing outside the border. Additionally, the search bar is now wider and will resize dynamically if the window becomes smaller. The properties that are included here are standard Cascading Style Sheet properties.
Hacking the userContent.css File
Much like userChrome.css, the userContent.css file uses CSS standards to allow you to manipulate properties. The key difference is that userContent.css alters the style or layout of the webpage content instead of user interface elements. The userChrome.css file is also located in the chrome subdirectory of the profile, and a sample userChrome-example.css file is included with new profiles.To test the examples in this section, you can edit the userContent-example.css file and copy it into the chrome directory in your profile folder as userContent.css. Later in the book, you see how to use the userContent.css file to block unwanted advertisements. This section includes a basic example of how to manipulate the browser’s content to show a red dashed border around links that target a new window. The changes applied in this example modify web page links with targets of _new and _blank. These targets tell the browser to open a new window with the content from the link when clicked.
 The syntax for this customization is much like that of the previous userChrome.css example:
/* Put dashed red border around links that open a new window */
:link[target=”_blank”], :link[target=”_new”],
:visited[target=”_blank”], :visited[target=”_new”] {
border: thin dashed red;
padding: 2px !important;

Both the border and padding property should look familiar and behave the same as in the previous example. The key difference here is that the intended object is a link that has a target of either _blank or _new. Notice the dashed borders (they will appear red on your screen) around links on the page shown in Figure 2-6.
Anyone, Anywhere! Qeep!
FIGURE 2-6: Customizations applied by userContent.css to a page
Alternatively, you can split the style, one for a normal link and one for a visited link, where the
visited link would have a different-colored border, in this case blue:
/* Put dashed red border around links that open a new window */
:link[target=”_blank”], :link[target=”_new”] {
border: thin dashed red;
padding: 2px !important;
/* Put dashed blue border around visited links that open a new
window */
:visited[target=”_blank”], :visited[target=”_new”]{
border: thin dashed blue;
padding: 2px !important;

Basic Hacking with Extensions

Using extensions can lead to some of your best hacking. The concept of extensions is straightforward, and the availability and diversity of extensions are incredible. The extensions discussed in this section have excellent features and each is briefly covered with references to the key features that will help you in hacking your browser experience.While hacking extensions themselves is covered in Chapter 3, this section covers basic extensions that you can use to hack preferences, settings, and the Firefox interface. The chromEdit extension is best suited for editing the user.js, userChrome.css, and userContent.css files, while Configuration Mania and Preferential extensions are great tools for tweaking preferences and settings. These extensions are tried and true and have become indispensable tools in my everyday hacking.
Hacking with the chromEdit Extension
When working with the four key files that Firefox uses for customization, you may quickly find it an annoyance to have to browse over to a separate editor and then load up the file you need. Whether it is the userChrome.css, userContent.css, or user.js file, chromEdit gives you an editing environment right in a browser window (see Figure 2-7). The chromeEdit extension creates a multitab window with editing capabilities for each, except prefs.js, which is available only in this screen in read-only mode. Because the prefs.js file is overwritten when you close your browser, it really does not make sense for this editor to allow modifications to the file while the browser is open. It does let you view it, though, so you can reference existing preferences that are already set in the file.
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FIGURE 2-7: The chromEdit window with edit tabs

Hacking with the Configuration Mania Extension
The Configuration Mania extension allows you to tweak several of the preferences that are not available via the standard Preferences screen (see Figure 2-8). Given the incredible flexibility of Firefox, this tool really comes in handy when you need to change the low-level settings to improve performance, usability, or navigation, or for development purposes. Each section has several options, which are categorized by the following:
_ Browser
_ HTTP Network
_ Chrome Uninstaller
_ Mouse Wheel
_ Keyboard Navigation
_ Master Password
_ Debug
This extension is a good way to get around having to find preference names and values to tweak your browser and can be used to get your feet wet with hacking Firefox preferences and tweaking hidden settings.
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FIGURE 2-8: Configuration Mania window with several tweaking and hacking options
Hacking with the Preferential Extension
The Preferential extension, while dated, offers an incredibly easy interface to view all current and available preferences in a hierarchical mode, as shown in Figure 2-9. Once the interface has been opened and after each of the categories has been populated, you can peruse each setting by expanding and collapsing each key in the hierarchy. Preferential creates a hierarchical view based on the groupings and separation of preferences by the period(s) in the preference name. Preferential builds a hierarchy tree where, for example, browser.throbber.url would have a top hierarchy level of browser, a subhierarchy level of browser.throbber, and one property of browser.throbber.url, as shown in Figure 2-10. The number of levels is driven by the number of period-separated values in the preference name. So a preference such as font.default would have one level only, font, and a preference such as sessionsaver.static.default.cookies would have a hierarchy tree of three levels: sessionsaver, then sessionsaver.static, and then sessionsaver. static.default. The final level would be the value of sessionsaver.static.default.cookies.
Anyone, Anywhere! 
FIGURE 2-9: Preferential window with top-level browser tree expanded
One great benefit of this extension is that it can show you a description for many of the common preferences. However, because the extension is not actively being maintained, some descriptions may be blank. Another great feature is that you can delete a preference tree without having to search through files or other dialogs. All you have to do is click on the tree level that you want to remove and then right-click and delete.To accomplish this with about:config, you would have to reset each individual setting. For example, suppose you just installed the Session Saver extension and after using it realized that you really didn’t want it, so you uninstalled it.While uninstalling removes the files and the extension information from your profile, it does not remove your customized settings from your prefs.js file.Typically, you would have to close Firefox, open the prefs.js file, remove the sessionsaver entries, save the file, and relaunch Firefox. Optionally, you could open the about:config tool from the main browser window, apply a filter of “sessionsaver,” and then right-click and reset each value, which for this extension could total over 30 entries. Using Preferential you avoid all this; you quickly peruse your setting and just delete the top-level hierarchy of sessionsaver, and all 30+ settings would be removed without your having to restart Firefox or reset each value.
When launching this extension (by choosing Tools➪Advanced Preferences . . .) you see the progress dialog showing you the status as it populates the whole tree.
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FIGURE 2-10: Preferential window with top-level “browser.throbber” tree expanded
To edit the preference, just right-click and choose Edit Selected from the context menu. Most interface preferences changes take effect on restart; although some should be available immediately.